Modding the Tonal Energy Android App

Sunday, December 11, 2022

For readers: This is a lightly edited writeup of a reverse engineering project I completed during my master’s degree. It may be difficult to read as it’s missing some context. I’m leaving this up for the one engineer browsing page 23 of their Google search results trying to find any information at all on reverse engineering or modifying Android apps built with native code (C++, NDK, JNI, whatever). If that’s you, reach out and hopefully I can save you some time. I could not find a single resource on this while I was working on it, so I hope you find this helpful.

In this project, I modify Tonal Energy, specifically the Android app. The application includes many great tools for musicians, and I specifically focus on the metronome, which I use while practicing music.


While using the metronome, users can adjust tempo in small increments, using +/- buttons, or large increments, using the wheel and slider features. During practice, I often find myself wanting to increasing the tempo by a small standard increment, such as 6 BPM (for example, to change the tempo from 126 BPM to 132 BPM). With the existing options, I can either press the plus button 6 times, or try to carefully adjust the wheel/slider, which are quite sensitive and designed for larger adjustments, to try to adjust by the exact number I need.

For this project, I decided to modify the +/- buttons to instead use standard tempo increments, which can be found on this page. These are tempo markings commonly used among musicians, and the increments take advantage of the idea that perception of tempo is not a linear scale; for example, a difference in 2 BPM is more perceptible between 42 and 44 BPM than between 120 and 122 BPM.

Analyzing the application

Acquiring the APK

To begin analyzing the application, I first needed to acquire application’s APK, which is format in which apps are packaged on Android. The app is not free, but because I own it already, I was able to pull the APK from my phone using adb.

Once I had the APK, I needed to analyze it. Fortunately, because Android apps are written in Java and Kotlin, they are compiled to bytecode, making it easy to decompile, understand, and modify the code. Additionally, the contents of an APK can be unzipped to see all of the contents. Instead of needing to analyze the Dalvik bytecode, I was able to use jadx to read the decompiled Java to get an idea of how the application worked.

Also, while it is possible to unzip the APK and analyze the contents, rebuilding the APK correctly can be tedious. I found it to be much easier to use apktool for both unpacking and rebuilding the app. However, this APK can not be installed directly; I had to ensure bytes were properly aligned and the APK was signed before being allowed to install it in the device. I wrote a few scripts to automate this, allowing me to quickly redeploy the application as I made changes.

Analyzing native code

Looking at the decompiled code in jadx, I was only able to see a few Java files, which I thought was weird considering the scope of the app. Turns out, the Android application (and I would assume, the iOS application) is a thin wrapper around the real application: a C++ application written using the JUCE framework. This was probably done for ease of development: by using JUCE, the developers could maintain a single codebase for both platforms. JUCE is specifically useful for writing audio applications, which makes it a good selection for writing an app for musicians.

This means that my modification could not be done in the Java code; I had to go further and analyze the compiled .so library that was loaded at runtime. This is loaded using Java’s JNI, through Android’s NDK: in short, tools that enable Android developers to use native C++ functions in their apps.

Looking at the rest of the files in the unpacked APK, I found a tetuner-unpack/lib directory which included native libraries. This folder included folders for each architecture, each of which included the same few libraries. The file I was interested in was called, a 23 MB library which was the rest of the app’s implementation I was looking for. I decided to analyze the 64-bit ARM version, as I am using a Pixel 4a.

I spent a while in Ghidra analyzing this binary to understand where the +/- button clicks are handled. Luckily, “buttonClicked” is a common name for this handler, and I was quickly able to find the MetronomePage::buttonClicked handler, which, after a few function calls, gets to Metronome::setTempo. Finding the correct call of setTempo took some time, as the event handler was large and it took me a while to understand the flow of the function.

setTempo takes two parameters: a Metronome* and a double. I determined that this was how Ghidra decompiled a one-parameter function in the Metronome class - the first parameter is just a pointer to the current instance. The double that gets passed in is first checked to ensure it is not negative or infinity, and then gets assigned to a variable at some offset of the Metronome*, which I assumed is where the current tempo is stored. The second parameter, then, is new value for the tempo. Basically, the function signature looks like this:

void setTempo(Metronome* this, double newTempo)

Modifying the application

Updating the value

In buttonClicked, the value of the current tempo is copied into a local variable, incremented/decremented by one (depending on if the + or - button was clicked), and passed into the setTempo function. Rather than changing the value by one, I could instead change by 4, which would only require me to change the 8-byte double in the binary without changing the size of the binary.

This worked, but was not the full feature I wanted to implement. I wanted to change the value to the next expected value in the standard tempo markings mentioned above, which are not evenly spaced. This type of change required more than changing bytes in place.

Implementing the rest of the feature

Around this time in the project, I talked to my professor, Fish, about adding more substantial changes to binaries. He recommended Frida and LIEF, both of which I ended up using on this project. I decided to use Frida for adding my feature, but I may have been able to add my feature into the binary using LIEF as well.

Setting up Frida

The easiest way to use Frida is to use it in “injected” mode, in which we can run frida-server on the device and use it to hook into any running process by connecting through a client on the desktop. However, this requires the Android device to be rooted. This would also mean that the feature would not be embedded in the app itself. Because my device is not rooted, and I wanted my patch to be embedded directly into the APK rather than depending on the external environment, I did not choose this option.

Luckily, Frida also has an embedded mode called Gadget, which was perfect for my use case. Rather than running frida-server on the device, this option allowed me to add frida-gadget as a dependency of, causing the application to expose Frida’s server when the library is loaded. This does not require the device to be rooted, and is included in the app itself. For an Android application, this method works best if there is a native library loaded early in the application - and because the whole application depends on being loaded at startup, this method worked well.

To use Gadget, I had to include the binary, which I downloaded from their GitHub releases. To get Android to include Gadget in the installed APK, I put it in the tetuner-unpack/lib folder next to the other libraries, and named it This was necessary because Android will only copy files from the lib directory which begin with lib and end with .so. For reference, the Gadget binaries I used are located in the included files in the gadget directory.

To load Gadget on startup, I needed to add my new as a dependency of the main This was quite easy with LIEF, and I was able to quickly to this with a Python script.

Hooking the setTempo function

With Gadget added to the binary, I could connect to Frida’s server running on the device. To hook the function I wanted to modify, I could quickly write a hook using the provided TypeScript example and run it through Frida’s command line tools to connect to the server. Because I had already statically analyzed the binary, I knew which function to hook, what it was called, and what logic to replace. My hook is in frida-agent/agent/index.ts, a TypeScript file which builds down to frida-agent/_agent.js. With this hook, I replaced the function to use the standard tempo increments, adding the feature I was aiming for.

Making the whole modification self-contained within the APK

At this point, Frida’s server was automatically being run on the device when the app started up, but I still had to run the client manually, meaning the feature was not fully embedded in the APK. Continuing to read through Frida’s documentation, I learned that a config file could be added, which I added in the same tetuner-unpack/lib folder as Though this file is a JSON file, this naming convention was used so that Android would copy it when installing the app. The similarly with the name was also necessary so that Gadget could identify this as the config file.

This config file allows an option to load a script on startup from a given path on the device, rather than waiting for a client to connect, which was what I needed. Rather than connecting to the running server from my desktop, I could load the hook itself from the device. This required the built frida-agent/_agent.js to to reside on the device, which I copied over using adb. With this change, the entire modification was finally on the device, but not all embedded into the APK itself.

The Frida docs also mention that the path to the hooking script in the Gadget config file can be a path relative to where the Gadget binary resides. I realized that, as with the other files, I could put my frida-agent/_agent.js script in the APK’s lib folder, and it would be included as long as it begins with lib and ends with .so. I put my agent script in the APK’s lib folder as, and pointed the path in the Gadget config file to ./ - this would be the relative from the Gadget binary, as they would now be in the same folder.


It worked! On startup, the Java section of the application loads, which calls as a dependency. This uses the JSON stored at as a config file, configuring Frida to automatically load the JavaScript script stored at This script hooks the setTempo function in, replacing it with my implementation which changes the behavior to increment and decrement the tempo by standard tempo values rather than by one. This is all included in the APK itself, so to install this modified version of the application, one would only need to install the APK and nothing else. No root required either.

I am happy with the result. The unique architecture of this application meant that I could not find many resources on what I was trying to do, so I had to piece together most of this on my own using skills I learned in this course throughout the semester. I am planning on publishing a blog post on my process on this project, which will hopefully be helpful for future Android reversers who find themselves needing to modify an app that heavily depends on a C++ UI framework.

If my patch had users and I had to do this more optimally, I would attempt to use LIEF instead of Frida to hook the function I replaced. While I had a great experience with Frida, and Frida’s decision to expose their API through scripting languages such as JS and Python helped me move quickly, Frida might not be the best option for tiny changes like this one. The 32-bit Gadget binary is about 15 MB, and the 64-bit binary is about 23 MB. This is quite a big addition, especially considering that I only modified a few lines of code. Building Frida from sources does provide the option to exclude unused parts of the Gadget binary, but LIEF allows direct changes to the target binary itself. Because this whole app is essentially implemented as a C++ application, and my change is quite small, LIEF may allow me to make small modifications like this without inflating the bundle size.